Sunday, 24 May 2009


We went to Bristol for Uncle Ken's 80th birthday. At the restaurant we could see the river and there were loads of boats including a houseboat. I could see their kettle through the window. There was a potato hiding under a chair on the decking when I went to look at the boats. I ate asparagus in coats with a water (poached) duck egg to dunk them in. Mummy had to hold the coats because they were hot and I steered her hand to dunk the asparagus and eat it. It was also Hannah's birthday. She kept pulling funny faces at me whilst I ate my food and I pulled faces at her too. Hannah had some toys to play with and a roundabout and a seesaw and slide for the little people to play with on the floor. Fudge kept knocking it all over and Hannah did tell Fudge not to do it but she still did it.
Auntie Carolyn had a musical knife that played different songs when you pressed buttons on the singing knife. They used the singing knife to cut up the cake for Uncle
There I saw a lady dog, not a boy dog, called Fudge because she was fudge coloured. Fudge was at Auntie Carolyn's house in Bristol. She had tickly fur so at first every time she came near I jumped at Mummy so Fudge could get by. When I left in my pyjamas I kissed Fudge byebye. I have a dog called Fudge at home. Fudge is a real dog that sits in my hand and after meeting the other Fudge I decided that my Fudge was also a girl dog not a boy dog and my Fudge can do tricks too. I took Fudge in my pocket to nursery so I could show Laura all Fudge's tricks. She can spin, roll over, stay and hunt for her treat, also she can leap over my head and onto my arm.

At the Asparagus Festival on the Bank Holiday I saw a steam train that was little and the man had sooty hands because of the coal that he used to make the steam train work. Sometimes the steam train Dolly could go really well when it is windy but it wasn't windy so a boy and I were pumping the steam to make Dolly go. She didn't have enough wind to make the steam to go so I sat on the seat and tried the steering wheel and looked at the water tank and the fire. I liked the bit of steam coming out of her chimney.

There was a man dressed up like asparagus and he had a green face. I ate a big bowl of asparagus with a dipping sauce but it wasn't tomato ketchup because Mummy & Daddy said I couldn't have ketchup with asparagus. There was a wagon with two shire horses. Whenever the horse turned round I shot over to Mummy because I thought it would gobble up my hair so then I would have no hair on my head. I'd be bald. Daddy held my hand so that I could pat the horses legs. It had gigantic feet, as big as a plate of asparagus or Mummy's head.

Nanna and Grandpa were house hunting whilst we were at the asparagus festival and they took me home with them for a NannaGrandpa holiday. Nanna and I made shortbread and gingerbread teddy bear biscuits to take to the picnic. I went for a long walk with Nanna and Grandpa and we needed umbrellas. With Nanna and Grandpa I went to meet my cousins Russell, Tom and baby Edward. We had a picnic in the rain. It poured and poured with rain. I splashed in puddles in my muddy wellingtons and got wet feet because my wellies had holes in that Russell found for me. Mummy bought me new hedgehog wellingtons but it kept being sunny.

It was so sunny that at nursery we ate in the garden because it was hot inside. I went to nursery with Mummy as her assistant because she working there and Frankie told me to go in the garden and I played with the sandpit with my friends. They got the swimming pool out and Frankie was splashing everyone with the hosepipe when filling the pool. I took my swimming costume to nursery when I went for the whole day but it was not sunny enough anymore so I didn't get to wear it or to splash in the swimming pool.

At swimming I told Craig I didn't want any armbands and he didn't give me any so I had no armbands all swimming lesson. Grandpa looked after me on Wednesday but he was stuck in traffic, so he was late so Mummy took me to the toddler group she was working at and Grandpa met us there. This time I didn't help Mummy set up because there was a chained pirate boat to play with. Also they had pink sand with dinosaurs to play with so Mummy had to set everything up herself. The other days this week I helped squirt out paint for people and cleaned up the tiles for Mummy and played with the children and guarded the paints from the babies.

I am so strong now that I can pick up my chickens and cuddle them. Sometimes when they make an eagle shape I kiss them between their wings or cuddle them and put my head on their back between their wings. I love my chickens. Spot is being broody which means she sticks her tail feathers up and makes them big and she makes a funny beurking sound. We made our own bubble mixture and I tested it by blowing bubbles at my chickens.
Daddy was at an archery competition in Leamington at the weekend and he took me with him to set up his tent and his target had the number 2 on it. On the next day of the competition in the hot sun Mummy drove me to Leamington and I showed her where all the targets were but I couldn't find Daddy's tent as there were lots of tents and people and we had to be quiet to not disturb the archery people. We hid in Daddy's tent whilst he was checking his arrows and he was surprised to see us but he was happy because we had brought him a drink and some crisps. I let him have some of my Quavers so that he would let me have some of his crisps. We stayed to watch him but it was hot and we had things to do at home so Mummy said byebye but I wanted to play on the playground so I went on the boat and the climbing frame and got off the frame by swinging. I wanted to go on the slide and had to ask the big girls to let me go and then it was time to go home and we had icicles to eat in the garden and the chickens wanted to eat them too but we didn't let them. When I got up in the morning Daddy had two tropheys and a medal in a cupboard to show me. He didn't win but he did come second and his team won too and he had a medal for hitting the very middle of the target when it was furthest away because they moved the targets during the day. There was a target with children on and it was close to the archers and Daddy said that I could shoot at that one when I am old enough to do archery and go to competitions with him so I showed it to Mummy when we visited Daddy. I am going to do archery like Daddy and I will win lots of medals but at the moment i do not have a bow because I am not allowed to shoot in the garden because I might hit my chickens by mistake but Daddy doesn't hit them by mistake even when they sit under his target but I am not allowed to be in the garden when Daddy is shooting even though I am bigger than the chickens.

Whilst Daddy was away Mummy started reading "Jungle Book" to me. I like looking at pictures of Mowgli and Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. I like Mowgli the man cub best of all and his friends the wolf cubs. At the weekend when Daddy was at archery Dominic asked me to play in his garden and I played on his trampoline and taught him to play Snow White and he killed me by poking swords into my chest and then I went onto the trampoline to be dead and he did a fingertip kiss to make me alive again.
We went for a walk at nursery to the Mere and we saw a heron sitting on the "No Fishing" sign even though he was waiting for fish,so he was fishing. He was breaking the law but Mummy told me that he couldn't read the sign so he wasn't breaking the law. There was a picture of the heron on the newspaper so he must have stayed on the sign a long time.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Dusty Bluebells

I'm home from nursery (today is Thursday) and want to make Mummy type on my weblog. I went out in the garden before my meals and when I came in I took my wellies, my socks and my cardigan off. They said on the weather forecast that there was going to be some thunder and lightning and I went to the park with Daddy and there was some rain but it was only drizzle so we didn't get wet and we didn't see any thunder and lightning. I am cross that they promised thunder and lightning on the weather forecast and I didn't see any.
I had cheese on toast and tomato ketchup today. And for my other meal I had potato and carrots and mashed up mince. The stars were my breakfast.
I have to go and be dead now so my prince can wake me and I can ask him to marry me. My prince says I have to drink my milk or he won't marry me and he says he won't marry someone who puts their toes in his ear.
My dress buttons kept coming undone today and every time Laura at my nursery looked behind me I was showing my bottom because of the buttons undoing. Mummy wondered if someone had been following me around undoing my buttons but I think they kept undoing themselves. Daddy took me to the park and I went on the new swing that is a bowl and you can fall asleep in it.
In swimming the day before today I did two widths without my armbands and I sat by the wall waiting for the other class to finish.

Here I am singing "In and out the dusty bluebells, in and out the dusty bluebells, in and out the dusty bluebells, who will be my partner?" Mummy says it should be dusky but I think it should be dusty like my house.
I have a graze on my knee from falling down when I shouted Nanna and she turned around. She had kept walking so I had to call for her to help me up. And I was very brave on the mountain and we had to go side to side because it was so steep. The mountain is near Nanna & Grandpa's house and I climb it with them when I have a NannaGrandpa holiday. I had a NannaGrandpa holiday because Mummy was at pottery camp.

I am hugging my cousin Russell after collecting him from school. We are holding very tight so that my other cousins (Tom and Alex) can't bounce us off. We had a picnic in the park and Russell showed me his classroom. Nanna and Grandpa took me to see Auntie Leonie and Uncle Barry and the car was very full so I couldn't sit in the boot. Their car is called Kanga because the numberplate includes ROO.

(typers note. We stopped typing in the blog because of me being busy preparing for the Kenilworth Festival which was a bit of a wet and squally affair in the end. It is now Tuesday 19th May and Bethany wants to do more on her blog and has drawn some pictures in MS Paint to include, so over to her...)
Nanna & Grandpa came to help Mummy at the Festival and to look after me. Nanna took me to the Almanack before they were open and Jeremy let us in but they were cleaning so we couldn't eat so we waited and waited until they let us have some food even though they were still cleaning away. It was early in the morning, Grandpa said it was too early. I had a bacon batch but it was a sandwich because they didn't have any batches. I had tomato ketchup with it. There were some chicks in the window of the furniture shop and they were only two days old and would have fitted in my hand. I didn't go on the donkey because I wanted to be a bit more bigger before I did it. I did go on the trampoline and needed new socks because it was a wet trampoline. I went on the bouncy slide and did forward rolls on the roller and showed my bottom and jumped around and ran around but I didn't go on the bouncy castle because I ran out of time. It was rainy except for the bits of sunshine. Nanna got very cold and wet and I helped Mummy dry the chairs so people could do pottery painting and I cleaned the tiles too. Grandpa tied my balloons to Mummy's gazebo but my butterfly that the clown made for me popped its wings and became a caterpillar again. My helium balloons didn't stay up on the ceiling long after we took them home and my balloon on a stick shrank and made my fingers black when I tried to take it off the stick. Some of my balloons are still blown up but they are smaller now and tied together.
The day before today I was Mummy's pottery assistant and wore my bear badge with my name on that I painted. We went to a baby group and I took my polar bear Lily in the back pocket of my butterfly coat. One of the babies caught Lily and she even pulled Lily's ear even though she is real and you don't hold real animals by the ear. The baby's Mummy told her that Lily was mine and she let go when I pulled Lily to me. We had an in car picnic. Daddy took me to ballet because Mummy was at a party. After ballet Daddy took me for a run as fast as we could because it was raining at us so we zoomed down the ramp and leaped into the car and drove away so that we didn't get rained on. He took me to his work because he needed to pick something up. He left me in the car sitting down because he said he couldn't take me into the building so I listened to Paddington instead. Then we went to Sainsburys but I had been there earlier with Mummy to collect fruit boxes. We took some strawberries out of a box so that we could take it for Mummy to roll clay in.
Now I am going to play Solitaire on my computer so I need to concentrate on the numbers and I like to collect the Queens.
Time for a story:
Once upon a time there was a little man about as big as my whole hand. He stayed the same size as my hand every single day and every single birthday. He was called Tom Thumb because he was as big as a thumb.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Introducing Me

I'm Bethany and my end name is Ellis. My Mummy has helped me set this up so that I can tell people what I have done and who I am (at the moment Mummy is typing because I can't spell and she can). On Thursday at nursery I had tomato sauce with vegetables in and I didn't eat the vegetables because they were vegetables I don't like such as big peas instead of small peas that I do like. Today we had a nice little meal of Chinese pancakes with crispy duck and I ate all of the cucumber.

This afternoon we moved the chicken run and I used the rake to scrape up loads of layers of chippings for the girls. The girls are Spot and Star my chickens. Also today I phoned Nanna to tell her that we are going to the wood in July and that she can stay in a cottage. At the wood we will have a bonfire and toast marshmallows which we love but I love them best (the marshmallows are pink and white and I like both colours and that is why the word marshmallow is pink).

At swimming this week I swam a width with no armbands and no help. I have got my three duckling badges and I am learning to swim so that I can swim in my pyjamas and do my lifeguarding badge. I can hold my nose and put it in the water now. My swimming teacher was Craig but he has gone away and I have one called Hayley but I don't know the name of the lady who has taken over from Craig.

Last week I went to Rhianna's birthday party at Funky Monkey's. I was going to go as a pirate but my Grandma gave me a new dress and it looked like a princess dress so I wore it to the party. I played with my friends. Most of the boys were dressed as pirates and the girls were dresses as princesses. Daisy was Cinderella and that was my favourite outfit. I wish I'd had a real Snow White dress so that I could wear my Snow White headband that nanna gave me and I could be a real Snow White. Snow White is my favourite Disney princess. I like to be in character as Snow White and go and play with the dwarves and go dead; then the prince comes and kisses me and makes me go alive. Daddy is my prince when I'm Snow White and Mummy is Cinderella although we don't have outfits. Sometimes I am Mummy's Fairy Godmother when she is Cinderella.
It's time for me to go to bed now. My routine is to have cream put on my sore patches or an oil massage if there is time, have a story (at the moment we are reading "Alice Through The Looking Glass" and I like the sheep that was the White Queen and Alice and the boat that disappeared) Daddy humphs me into bed, kisses me and strokes my cheek, we saw good night in English and in Welsh ("Nos Da Mam", "Nos Da Tad", "Nos Da Plentyn" and we say "Nos Da Iar" to the girls) and I ask Mummy and Daddy to check on me before they go to bed.