Friday, 26 June 2009

Foster Chicken

I drew this picture of Aslan the talking lion in Narnia. When we play at being in Narnia I am Lucy and Mummy is Susan and Daddy is High King Peter and my invisible friends are Edmund. We are children who are brothers and sisters. When in character (which means having imagination of the people you are being and trying to look like them) I go in a wardrobe (on the landing or at nursery) and go to Narnia. There I have tea with the faun Mr Tumnus and when I tell Susan about it she does not believe me but then we all go in the wardrobe and get cold bottoms and are in Narnia and I drew this map to help us find the Stone Table and the grey dot is Mr Beaver with his long tail going all the way round to the start of the map. I like being Lucy and listening to the stories of adventures in Narnia and acting out bits with Mummy and Daddy and my invisible friends the Tulips and the Lavendars.

Last week we got a new chicken because she was broken as she was pecked all over, even under her belly, and chased, and her feathers taken by the other chicken in their beaks. As she was being bullied we are looking after her to grow some feathers and get better. She has started sprouting some new feathers. She is called Saia but I think she should be called GingerBlack because she has a ginger neck and a black body.
At first she slept in a cat box that Mummy used to bring her home and now she sleeps in the bushes where she has made a nest. She lays her eggs in the Eglu and they are creamy white and they are bigger than the eggs that my other chickens lay. Spot and Star are hiding their eggs in the Bog Garden where it is prickly so I can't get them.

My chickens chase Saia around the garden and bully her a little so when I am in the garden I herd my chickens into the hedge so that Saia can go in the garden. She is good at hiding from them now she knows her way round the garden. She was very scared of all of us at first but now she goes into the eagle position so I can stroke her. We are giving her back to nursery next week because we are going to the wood and if she is still being bullied then we will foster her again.

In this picture I am Lorna a super hero from the X-Men. Joe says there is a pink X-girl but I don't think there is. Lorna is Magneto's daughter and has long hair so I wore a dress on my head to be Lorna's hair. I went to nursery with a dress being my hair and everyone asked what was on my head so I told them. I used the flower on my arm to make poison come out and bombs came out of the toilet roll or out of the middle of my bell. I aimed the poison by pointing my arm. Mummy was also an X-Girl called Rogue and she could touch people and take their power if she wasn't wearing gloves. She took my power three times.
We have been listening to The Amazing Maurice story and I have been Peaches and I wanted Mummy to be Tomato but she said she was DarkTan and became the leader of the rats after Ham-and-Pork died. It is funny when the rats widdle in the milk and Maurice tells them what to do. At bedtime we are reading The Jungle Book and have finished the Mowgli stories so are now reading about a seal whose Daddy fights other seals and is covered in bites. My Nanna and Grandpa are going to move to Kenilworth so that I can bicycle to their house and their new house has fish in the garden that are as big as sharks and one of the fish has teeth. I like the sofa at the house but Nanna and Grandpa have their own sofa that they are going to move but the lady might leave her fish. I am going to bed now because it is late and I am visiting Grandma and Grandad Birdie tomorrow whilst Daddy is at archery. I have packed my clothes and need my sleep. Nos Da.