Friday, 9 April 2010


On Palm Sunday I stroked and cuddled the donkey called Lily and I fed her a carrot after church. She came into church but I couldn't see her very well because we were sat on the side. We had some sticks of bamboo from the garden to wave like they did in the bible for Jesus. We were all given palm crosses made of palm leaves like the ones they waved in the Bible. Plam trees don't grow here but they do grow in Jerusalem.

I made these chocolates with Nanna of course because Mummy doesn't make this much chocolate. Nanna cannot eat the chocolates because they make her cough but I can eat them because I like chocolates.
We used Nanna's tempering machine; you put chocolate buttons in on one side and wait and wait and some buttons flash and beep. The chocolate gets melted then you get a load of chocolate to eat afterwards and scoop into a bowl.
To make chocolates get a scoop of melted chocolate and put it into a mould. Shake the mould and scrape the top clean and put it in the fridge. After it has been in the fridge for quite a long time you can eat it which is the best bit.
Nanna made some truffles and I put a scoop of chocolate in my hand and then rolled the lump of truffle in my hand until it was covered with chocolate.
I like licking my hands and the bowl clean at the end.
Nanna made these biscuits and I used melted chocolate to put the eyes on.
She made some nests and I did put the eggs in. They tasted very good indeed.

These are Simnel Cakes that I helped Nanna make. Nanna made the cakes and covered them with marzipan. I like eating marzipan but couldn't have any until I had made the 101 balls.
Actually it was not quite that many. I made 66 balls of marzipan so that each cake could have 11 balls on. Didn't you know that the balls were to be Jesus' disciples but not Judas because he had betrayed Jesus.

Nanna gave me this kit and Mummy helped me stick it together. We used very sticky glue and pegs. The glue stuck to me like the sticky sticky glue in "The Twits"
I was given some finger puppets for Easter nad they now live in my bunny bag.

I called this chick Flower because of all the flowers I stuck on it's tummy. Mummy taught me blanket stitch and I sewed around the edge and Mummy did a few stitches. Then I stuffed it full of stuffing to make it soft and squishy like a cushion. Flower lives in my bed now and I made a rabbit too that is pink (my best colour) and blue. The rabbits nose has fallen off because I was sleeping on it.

At church on Easter Sunday I wore my Easter bonnet with fake paper flowers that Mummy made for me and I gave Grandpa and Nanna flowers that I made for them. Mummy calls them everlasting flowers but I call them fake.
Father Richard led all the children round church making lots of noise for the Easter Parade. There were balloons in chuch and flowers and the Easter garden had Mary and Jesus in it. We walked all round church with blowers and some of the grown ups covered their ears. We made a lot of noise and even some grown ups had blowers and the balloons that whizz all over the place.

Afterwards it was time for the egg rolling and we had to dash out of church to be there in time. When we did it as a family Nanna won. If I had thrown my egg extra hard I might have cracked it in two. Nanna made me a duck egg cakked a Pace Egg that she had boiled in onion skins making it brown and patterened.
I was rolling my egg on the concrete when Nanna, Grandpa and I walked to The Almanack and Grandpa stood on my egg ON PURPOSE (typers note, Grandpa denies the egg squishing was deliberate!) so I took Daddy's egg instead.
This picture is me and my Grandpa in the sun and I am wearing my Rock Chick sunglasses that Auntie Elissa gave me.

At The Almanack I had dipping doughnuts for lunch with custard and Grandpa ate the chocolate sauce that had come with the doughnuts. I like lying with my head upside down.


  1. Sounds like you had a very busy Easter! Can you tell Mummy that the sugar she gave us is yummy on pancakes. The eggs were great in the pancakes! Please thank the chickens for us. Next weekend we move house; all of our things from New Zealand will be delivered on Friday. Exciting!

    Love Debs, Franklin and MaxCat xxx

  2. Thank you for talking about the eggs. I think it might have been very hard work for the chickens to lay them. It is excellent that you are moving house and we hope you well. It sounds very exciting that your things are coming from New Zealand.
    Love High Queen Elizabeth Bennett
